You are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘just for fun!’ category.

This weekend J and I went on our first snowshoeing adventure of 2011. It was fun, and a great workout! I documented the outing with the Fuji Instax. If you want to see more, head on over to flickr (:

Generally when I’m out and about with the camera, I’ll snap some pics of the city from wherever I happen to be, just for fun, for practice, or to test my settings before a session. I happen to need to show a few of them to someone now, so I thought posting them here might be the easiest way to do that. I thought you guys might enjoy them, too (:

{“A facade of skyscrapers facing a lake and behind the facade, every type of dubiousness.” ~E.M. Forster}


Happy 2011!! After a lovely, relaxing holiday, J and I ended up in Rome last week. My mind has still not completely absorbed all that I saw and learned. It was the perfect beginning to the new year, and I thought it would also be the perfect way to kick off the blog in 2011 (:

If you want to see (many) more photos from my trip, you can find them in this Flickr set. Enjoy!

The moon, taken on a country road somewhere in Georgia last week. I miss that place!!


I interrupt regularly scheduled programming to let you know that, as part of a class project, three of my images will displayed in the student gallery at Loyola. The Why Art Matters exhibit opens this Thursday evening. One of the photos I’ll be showing is below. I also made the logo for the exhibit (above). As a class, we attempted to show why art matters to the Loyola community and to each of the class members. There is also an interactive display where exhibit-goers can express why art matters to them. So, go! Express yourselves (:

For more information, you can see the full flier (designed by moi) here, or read about the exhibit on the Department of Fine & Performing Arts’ blog here.

No! Don’t actually stab the books!! But DO learn how to make your own books, using this way cool stab binding technique. The most recent awesome thing I’ve been learning during my internship at EPPS. We had so much fun making these that they’ve decided to offer a one day workshop, December 18th (psst… they make great holiday gifts!). Um, and you get to design your cover using vintage wood type and then print it on the fancy old Vandercook. Am I the only one drooling here?


This photo was taken back in the spring while I was scouting a location (Adler Planetarium/Northerly Island area). At first I was annoyed that the truck drove into my shot but there’s something about it I like (:

Have a great weekend!


I’m taking a week or so off of photo sessions in an effort to get caught up. In the meantime, I’ll post some images from a folder on my desktop entitled “Random Photos.” (: This particular image was taken in Grant Park, near Buckingham Fountain. I was testing the lighting and adjusting camera settings during a family session. When I saw this one, I knew I had everything right!


I had a session in Humboldt Park earlier this week (sneak peek coming soon!) and stayed afterward a few minutes to grab some images of the park, since I’d never been there before. I’m always amazed at the parks in Chicago – there are so many and they are perfect little escapes from all of the concrete (:

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

There are a few more pics from Humboldt Park in my Chicago 2010 Flickr set.

I would like to interrupt regularly scheduled programming to brag on my sister, Becca (: I mean, we all know the girl can sew (and draw, and paint, and the list goes on).

A few years ago, she started taking pottery classes in Chicago and I totally remember looking at the first mugs she brought home (some of which I still use regularly for my morning coffee and afternoon tea), and thinking they were so awesome. And they were, of course. But when I see what she’s working on now… it’s crazy-good. Amazing. I want each and every piece.

Love her work? You can keep up to date here!! Her photos are perfection, too, don’t you think?

May 2024
